Make a Donation

75% of our operating funds come from private donors. Your generous gift directly supports our mission to preserve local history and provide high-quality, accessible educational programming to children and adults in our community.

You can donate securely online using this page or mail a check to PO Box 722, St. Albans, VT, USA 05478.

The Saint Albans Museum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

Thank you for your support!

Designate Your Gift

Support the causes you believe in and know exactly where your contribution goes. Designate your gift by choosing an option from the “Select a fund (optional)” dropdown when donating online, or by writing the fund’s name on the memo line when donating via check.

There are currently four funds you can make a designated gift to:

  • The General Operating Fund supports day-to-day activity at the museum, including (but not limited to) collections care and management, programming costs, and utilities.

  • The Endowment Fund is invested into a professionally-managed account and left to grow over time, supporting the museum’s long-term financial stability.

  • The Historic Preservation Fund supports the restoration and preservation of the museum building.

  • The Children’s Program Fund supports the development of programming and exhibits for children aged 0-13.

Planned Giving

Recognition as a member of the 1861 Circle is available to any member or community supporter whose estate planning includes a provision in their will to the benefit of Saint Albans Museum, Inc.

All bequests, whether restricted or unrestricted, are eligible. This effort is designed to ensure the long term viability of the Museum, and it provides support for operations as well as for the upkeep of our historic facility.

Ways to Give

  • Securities, including stocks or bonds.

  • Real estate, such as a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, farmland, ranch or commercial property.

  • A portion (or all) of unused retirement assets such as a gift from your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension, or other tax-deferred plan.

  • A gift of cash.

  • Life insurance policy.

To discuss planned giving, please call (802) 527-7933 or email